Just a few months after taking part in Imm Cologne, the main fair event for the German market, Living Divani is taking centre stage once again in Central Europe at H.O.M.E.D.E.P.O.T. in collaboration with the local retailer Steininger Designers.
The exhibition area is furnished with an Extrasoft composition and a Neowall sofa, both designated for the company by Piero Lissoni. Track bench, Anin stool and Starsky tripthich table, designed by David Lopez Quincoces are showned together with the unconventional seat Upland, by Massimo Mariani and with Confident and mini Jelly armchairs by Piero Lissoni.
11-15 March 2015, H.O.M.E.D.E.P.O.T, Semperdepot Wien
Lehárgasse n°6
H.O.M.E.D.E.P.O.T. link