
Dracula and vampire myth

Triennale, Milan
Living Divani consolidates its presence in the world of art and culture, thanks to a new and prestigious collaboration with Alef Cultural in the exhibition "Dracula and the vampire myth ', which takes place at the Triennale from November 23rd 2012 to March 24th 2013.

To continue the process of collaboration born during the exhibition dedicated to Klimt and strengthened thanks to the retrospective of Renoir, Living Divani offers some of its seats for furnishing the hall by prof. Gianni Canova dedicated to the figure of Dracula and vampires on the big screen. The same room also contains some original storyboards and the original screenplay from the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola.

Here are displayed some Bubble Rock, the unconventional seats whose distinctive feature is the sassy chic, and some Cabrio, high urban definition armchairs.

The exhibition will remain open until March 24th 2013.

Triennale di Milano
Viale Alemagna 6