
Frog 1995-2015

Frog 1995-2015
“There are things that even after 20 years are still there, in their place, as new as ever. They last like a well-told story, one so beautiful that it becomes real. So real in fact, that you can even sit on it…”

Living Divani celebrates Frog, the armchair known for its unique low and wide shape, with multiple initiatives.
The creation of a captivating miniature version.
3D printed of casting powder, from the scan of the real chair, Frog presents itself to the public at Palazzo Reale (April 13th/May 24th, during the exhibition "Design for Life" by Elle Decor Italia) in a glass case autographed by its creator, Piero Lissoni.
A dedicated book.
Captured by the skillful lens of Tommaso Sartori and enhanced by the fascinating words of Giovanna Zoboli .
"Frog va in scena"
The competition organized in collaboration with Accademia Teatro alla Scala sees the four scenic reinterpretations of Frog, being finalized by the winners.

“.. but whilst always remaining true to itself.
do not try to kiss it, though, because it won’t turn into a prince. it will stay as it is:
one of the most imitated princesses.
even if you try kissing Piero Lissoni, who invented it, he probably wouldn’t change.
And why would he?...”